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//! Implementation of the Imagine network protocol.
//! Provides a way to interact with Imagine over a IP network. It reflects the protocol and it's original implementation
//! by providing two types of a [`Connection`](network::Connection): a [`Server`](server::Server), which binds to a socket,
//! and a [`Client`](client::Client), which connects to one.
//! All connected users (the server and clients) are identified by a unique nickname and can exchange data in form of
//! [`Message`](network::Message)s. Anything that happens during a connection, like recieving a message or a nickname
//! change, is represented by a [`Event`](network::Event).
//! # Example: Echo messages back
//! ```
//! let mut network: Client = Connection::connect("", "imaginet").await?;
//! while let Some(event_result) = network.next().await {
//! match event_result? {
//! Event::RecievedMessage { sender, message }
//! => network.send(message, vec![sender]).await?,
//! _ => (),
//! }
//! }
//! ```
mod parser;
mod packet;
pub mod network;
pub mod client;
pub mod server;
const BYTE_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 128;
const MPSC_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 8;